2005 |
Many Veterans are calling in on
their way up to Pandanus and on their ‘Round Australia trip’.
Visiting and staying overnight
is one of the options travelling Veterans have at Cockscomb. We
would prefer you stay not more than five (5) nights, but if your
circumstances warrant a longer stay your reason will be looked at.
Our caretakers on the site are there to ensure you get to know where
water is and were you can park, camp and cook.
Do the right thing - we hear this
all over Australia, if you use chopped firewood, chop some more
before you leave. Take ALL your rubbish with you when you leave,
conserve water and please leave us a donation so that we can continue
to keep Cockscomb looking good for the day you come back again. |
During the month of May, Geoff Baines (ex 110 Sig Sqn) invited Coach
Holidays Australia to stop in at Cockscomb for lunch whilst
they toured the local area. Approx 40 local tourists enjoyed a
day in our region and a BBQ lunch and a tour of the old gold mining
areas around Mt Wheeler.
Our guide on the day and one who has had plenty of experience showing
the troops where to go was none other than General G V Owens retired
(ex 21 Supl Plt). Genes local knowledge and expertise was noted
on the day. |
The Central
Queensland Koala Volunteers Group. Web
The local group fund raise for research carried out by the Central
Queensland University. The group are selling Australian Macadamia
Nuts coated in chocolate for Koala Week in July 2005. You can
buy Australian Macadamia Nuts coated in chocolate when you visit the Heritage Village on the 10th July and
the UCQ Multicultural Fair on the 14th August. A display
for CQ Koalas is at the North Rockhampton Library between 4th
– 16th July 2005 |
Now, not that all the work is down, completed
etc at Cockscomb, but Mick Stokes is on the local Cawarral Bush
Fire Brigade and community committee. The Cawarral community
Picnic area needed a touch up and what better crew could you get
, but the Cockscomb Handymen
Left to right Bill Snape(Ex 6 RAR), Gene Owens (Ex 21 Supl Plt), Graham
Jensen (Ex 6 RAR), Allan Evans (RAAF Sup Flt), Geoff Baines (Ex
110 Sig Sqn), Alan Munster (Ex 6 RAR) and Mick Stokes ( Ex Timor)
It was a project well done and appreciated by the Cawarral community.
BBQ tables were sanded back and painted with an external weather
proofing compound
The Veterans will continue to assist the local
community and the next project is a storage shed |
Functions at Cockscomb have
been well looked after and our specialty cooks for the Coach Holidays Australia day were Dan Connolly
(ex 17 Const Sqn) front and Mick Stokes a Timor Veteran. |

John Wilson a solo entertained us for the day. John
said that he can make any party a success with his good music for
all occasions |
In early July thirteen members of the Blackwater Masonic Lodge
visited Cockscomb. All retired now and some living in Yeppoon
and Emu Park heard of Cockscomb through Gene Owens. The group was
surprised to find such a well organised venture in the hills near
Mt Wheeler. After a tour of the main camp site and a bit of a talk
on how it all came to be, the group had a BBQ lunch finished off with
apple pie and custard. After lunch our tour guide Gene Owens lead
the way to the first Yellow Rose mine, the bottom camp and on the
way back we visited a native bee hive and talked about the Stackhousia tryonii which only grows in the Mt Wheeler area.
(see our web site ecosystem) |
the team of voluntary Pensions Officers and Advocates are now in its
6th year of operation and the centre holds a very good track record
of valuable assistance to the Veteran Community. For
appointments please ring 4922 3616
Web site
or Email |
ROCKHAMPTON DROP IN CENTRE is open every Thursday
at 156 Bolsover Street (the home of the CQ Military Museum and the Rocky
TPI Centre) at 1030 – 1330. No membership. Meet other Veterans
and enjoy a chat over a cup of tea or coffee and cake. Local Veteran and
Veteran family information in the Rockhampton district is available at WEB
then click on Groups and scroll down the list to Veteran info. |
Wood turning is going very well, come and get involved. We will look
at furniture and toy making if you are interested.
Leather Work as a hobbyist has started. TPI has a full set of tools
and equipment required.
Interested – well contact Charlie 49214644 |
Information on other Veteran Camps and retreats
is slowly filtering in. The latest information is on
Ramon Deed
Retreat in Dareton NSW. For other Veteran areas have a general
look through the retreats
page on this web site.
New Pensions Officers Needed -
There is always a need for new volunteers and we are looking for Veterans
who feel they could put something back into the community. Register your
interest with CQVSC 49223616 and we will ensure you get
the correct training to assist you to assist other Veterans. |