Visits Cockscomb
Veterans Camp |
the May Day long weekend the Vietnam Veterans Motor Cycle club staged
the Stone Run to Cockscomb.
An overall success both for Cockscomb and the VVMC with some 70
VVMC members attending the three day ride.
An advance party ran the fingers over Cockscomb recently. Two of
our local members, Barry Gill (Midway) Ex 110 Sig Sqn and Paul Muscat
(Spider) Ex 161 Ind Recce Flt introduced the visiting Veterans. |
Baines became chief cook assisted by Bill Snape and Alan Evans and
after serving up 5 dozen eggs, 4kg snags, 10 dozen bread rolls, 5
kg bacon, 50 odd steaks, nibblies and chips they were glad to put
their feet up and have a beer or two. Mick an East Timor veteran assisted
in the Bar along with one of the VVMCs' new members. |
Bikes to dream about, Harleys, Honda Gold wings and
a trike with a V6 holden engine made an interesting collection of
BEES at Cockscomb are held every
Tuesday at 9am

Bikers Damper
4x cups self raising flour
2x teaspoons baking powder
1x pinch of salt
Mix all into a bowl with warm water or milk. To make a firm dough
– (not too moist)
Place in camp oven and depending on the heat of the coals half
to one hour.
Other additives – add mixed dried fruit or raisins and a couple
of table spoons of powdered milk
Breakfast time for Brian Watts |
Visiting Ham Radio and VVMC member Russel VK4NRG
Departure time for the trike team |
“Dear Uncle Bill
Thank you for making my first stay at Cockscomb a pleasant and welcoming
experience. Thanks also for lighting the fire for showers, getting drinks
for me and saying good morning at 11am. Wishing you all the best, a big
hug and hope to see you again soon.
All my love Viv.xxx”
Wood turning is going very well, come and get involved. We will look at
furniture and toy making if you are interested.
Leather Work as a hobbyist has started. TPI has a full set of tools and
equipment required.
Interested – well contact Charlie 49214644
of voluntary Pensions Officers and Advocates are now in its 4th year of
operation and the centre holds a very good track record of valuable assistance
to the Veteran Community.
For appointments please ring 4922 3616
Web site
or Email
New Pensions Officers Needed - There
is always a need for new volunteers and we are looking for Veterans who
feel they could put something back into the community. Register your interest
with CQVSC 49223616 and we will ensure you get the correct
training to assist you to assist other Veterans.
CQVSC is looking
for 4 and 2 drawer filing cabinets. If you are aware of any that can be
donated, please tell us. Phone 49223616
The ROCKHAMPTON DROP IN CENTRE is open every Thursday
at 310 Quay Street at 1030 – 1330. No membership. Meet other Veterans
and enjoy a chat over a cup of tea or coffee and cake Local Veteran and
Veteran family information in the Rockhampton district is available at
WEB then click on Groups and scroll
down the list to Veteran info.