Since 29 November 03 the date of our last BBQ,
Christmas and New Year have come and gone. We’ve had rain and at the
moment the tanks are all full. Not that we should get complacent with that…
the next few months may be dry, so we all need to conserve water as much
as possible.
Many visitors have been welcomed and we hope that they have enjoyed their
stay at Cockscomb and come to stay with us again in years to come.
Cockscomb has come a long way since 1997. For those few Veterans who attended
the first BBQ, their foresight has lead to what we have now. What Cockscomb
is about is a place where Veterans can go to chill out, get away from
the pressures in life and be in the company of others with similar interests
and problems.
Any Veteran who attends does not own cockscomb. However, because of some
of the work done on site, some Veterans may feel an ownership in what
they have created. You can rest assured that you will be respected for
your leadership, your skills, your ingenuity and your ability to complete
the task, but it doesn’t give you ownership. Veterans have built
cockscomb for Veterans and that is the only way it will continue. Bruce
and Liz are the owners and the ones who should always be consulted before
any major project is carried out. The incumbent Veterans who gather on
Tuesdays should always address all projects together.
Discussions and ideas thrown into the pool will assure the harmony of
Cockscomb and its ability to control all projects.
Our present leaders are very capable in what they do and I feel all who
attend Cockscomb will agree with me, that the way we are travelling at
the moment is good.
WORKING BEES at Cockscomb are held every Tuesday at
Our last issue wasn’t made available to Veterans other than those
who attend Cockscomb on a regular basis. But to give you a few hints I
interviewed all on a Tuesday. Questions were Work before Service, Work
after Service, What sort of pension they were on, Hobbies, How they got
to hear about Cockscomb and what they thought Cockscomb was about.
The answers were many and varied, but statistically very similar traits
BRANDON THOMPSON visited Cockscomb
recently and he said that the place was better than a resort because
you can pan for gold and play pool. Live in cabins, can have a dog
and a fire to cook on. Brandon said crushing cans was good too. Brandon
is in Grade 3 and said he loved being with Veterans. |
Ray and Di Stanley have been resident Caretakers at Cockscomb for
the last three years. Ray was well known for his ability to recycle
items for another use. The best of these was the RAYKEN water heater
that he and a mate devised out of a 90Kg gas cylinder. For a parting
gift Ray and Di donated the Diggers Rest campsite at the foot of Mt
wheeler to Liz and Bruce. Not visible from our camp site but down
the hill toward the mountain. Cockscomb Veterans convey a vote of
thanks to Ray & Di and especially to Di for keeping the buildings
and toilets so clean. |
Little known to the general run of the mill users of Cockscomb, but
a very significant plant in the ecology of the area. Now the Livingstone
Shire's floral emblem, the Stackhousia
tryonii accumulates more nickel in its leaves than any
other plant in Australia. With slender needle like leaves and a tiny
mauve flower, this insignificant plant will only be found in the region
of Cockscomb to Marlborough, just north of Rockhampton. |
Veterans Motor Cycle Club
On the May Day long
weekend the Vietnam Veterans Motor Cycle club will take part
in a run to Central Queensland. During the weekend they will spend
time at Cockscomb and the Pioneer Hotel in Rockhampton. An advance
party ran the fingers over Cockscomb recently. Two of our local members,
Barry Gill
(Midway) Ex 110 Sig Sqn second from the right and Paul
Muscat (Spider) Ex 161 Ind Recce Flt on the right introduced
the visiting Veterans. |
During the ANZAC Day 2004 weekend the Australian
Military Dog Handlers will hold a reunion
and Handlers Expo at Western Street. Handlers and their Dogs will take
part in the ANZAC Day March.
Three important websites recently
developed on the web… a day by day history of a tour of Borneo,
Malaya and two tours of Vietnam by Roy
(Doc) Savage. The next a quest
in the path for peace written for Veterans by the wife of
a Veteran. If you’d like to contact one of the 12 Members of Parliament
who revolted against the Prime Minister in favour of Veterans. Read the
News page on Veterans Sanctuary.
For Central
Queensland WAR VETERANS & FAMILY Information and scroll
down the list to Veteran info
Dave Morgan
Ex 104 Sig Sqn has a web sit on his expeditions to Antarctica.
and the team of voluntary Pensions Officers and Advocates are
available from 9:30 to 1pm Monday to Friday. For appointments please ring
4922 3616 look on the website or email
The ROCKHAMPTON DROP IN CENTRE is open every Thursday
at 310 Quay Street at 1030 – 1330. No membership. Meet other Veterans
and enjoy a chat over a cup of tea or coffee and bicys
Address all correspondence to the
Cockscomb Chronicle
P O Box 669 Rockhampton
Qld 4700
"This newsletter is designed and printed by Nick Quigley. Any comments,
views, ideas or opinions are strictly that of the Editor. No official
Australian Defence Force policies or doctrine is depicted within. The
written text and photos if not otherwise stated, to the best of the Editors
knowledge, are un-copyrighted. Therefore, all pages and photos contained
within this newsletter are copyrighted to ensure protection of the Editor.
If you are also depicted in any photos within and object to the publication
of them, please contact the Editor. If you wish to use any of the photographs
contained within, please contact the Editor, Nick
Quigley." |