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2006 |
Caretakers Residence Progress |
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Since the April edition of the Chronicle much work has been done on the Caretakers Residence Thanks to BUNNINGS Rockhampton who donated treated timber, this project and one at the top on the Dawes Van has taken shape. | Left to right John ex 161 Ind Recce Flt, Gene ex 21 Sup Pl, Allan ex Supflt/1OSU, Peter ex 106 Field Workshops, John (unknown) and Robert ex 1 Fld Regt. What a lively bunch we met here in the new caretakers residence. Just checking out how many people could fit into the new lounge room. Jokes aide this happy crew have put many hours of Voluntary time into Cockscomb. |
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The progress continues and with Veteran Peter Sarina ex 106 Field Workshops staying with us he has turned his hand to a bit of carpentry and added a veranda to the Dawes Van. | Many long hours of devoted voluntary work by both our local Veterans and visiting Veterans will have Gene in his new residence very soon. The kitchen has been lined and attached to the van like an ensuite at a caravan park. | ||
This will become a good spot to sit out in the shade and relax with a book and a GOFFA. Pete you’ve done a great good job and again thanks to Bunnings Rockhampton timber supplies. |
WINGS - Women In Need Group Support (is a group for Vietnam Veteran wives & partners) meet at 10am on the first Tuesday of every month at the North Street Annex Rockhampton. The group organises social outings, guest speakers and has a close tie to VVCS. Contact phone Helen 4928 2554, Kathy 4933 2457 | ![]() |
While on the gym, it is essential for your ongoing health that you keep active, be it the gym or regular walking or doing some voluntary work at Cockscomb. |
Here is Gene checking the door size. He said that the opening will assure he keeps going to the gym. | ||||
A couple of weeks ago Allan Evans, Dan Connolly and Nick Quigley OAM put in a submission to the Department of Veteran Affairs for a new Generator. This time we hope to be successful. We had a meeting with Ivan Corazzol who co-ordinates grants and we have had a letter back to say we will be considered in the July issue. With a new 11KVA 18HP GH10000E HONDA GENERATOR electric start and producing both 10amps and 15amps we hope to expand our recreational opportunities and provide wood turning facilities along with the ease of providing light at night. The large generator will become an essential asset for general building projects, charging our battery banks and pumping water. Fire breaks have been pushed into the area by the local Rural Fire Brigade and the Environmental Protection Agency and the area will be back burnt removing combustible material and lessening the risk of a bush fire. |
IN NEED In Rockhampton assistance is available through the Central Queensland Veteran Support Centre Inc on phone 4922 3616 Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm at 6 Archer Street ANZAC House. On the Capricorn Coast Veterans in need of assistance for Pensions and Advocacy services for service related disabilities can contact the CapCoast Veteran Support Service (CCVSS) on phone Emu Park 4939 6785 and Yeppoon 4939 4933. The Yeppoon RSL is open every Thursday between 9am and 11am, but appointments are preferred. Both phone lines have answer machines. Officers are all TIP trained and vary in expertise between Pensions Officers, Case Officers, Welfare Officers and an Advocate. Assistance is also available through the Vietnam Veterans Federation Rockhampton Sub Branch operating out of TS Rockhampton Naval Cadet Unit 170 Quay Street. Open Tuesday & Friday 9am to 1pm phone 4922 7031 or 4922 3891
Attending the morning tea were the Mayor of Rockhampton Margaret Strelow, local psychologist Bruce Acutt, and representatives of each of the organisations who are affiliated with the CQVSC Inc. Nick & wife Helen will go to Government House later in the year for an Investiture ceremony. |